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SIRI SIRI Pop-up at organ Fukuoka

Pop-up | 2022.11.19

SIRI SIRI Pop-up at organ Fukuoka

11/23-28, SIRI SIRI pop-up will be held at interior select shop organ in Fukuoka.
The owner, Mr. and Mrs. Takesue, has selected high-quality interiors and small items from all over the world.
For more information, please visit organ's website by clicking the button below.
SIRI SIRI items in photos and movies look like objects.

Dates: 2022.11.23 wed – 11.28 mon (No holidays during the exhibition) *Exhibition extended until 12/3 (Sat.)
Time: 13:00 – 19:00
Location: organ TAKE-1 Building 4F, 1-14-5 Ohashi, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City
Phone: 092-512-5967

SIRI SIRI staff will be at the store on the 23rd and 24th.

organ website

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